Tonight was the first night in a week that i sleep well. Unfortunately i woke up to the news of the Qana bombings.
I was going through the washington post website, flipping through images they have of the latest news on the war. there was a photo of an israeli soldier being greeted by his wife on his return from combat. the wife had a camera in her hand. obviously she was happy to see her husband, happy he returned safe; but a camera? i still do not understand how people can rejoice about any kind of violence or any offspring of the violence.
the man was in a war—true.
His wife is happy he's back safe and sound—fine
but the camera? what picture did this camera take? the instant of the return or the testimony of the war? what is there to take forever with you? i don't understand...
and i can't find the words to explain my thoughts... ma 3am bifham...
what has she exactly caught on the camera, in that photo that merits the survival to the test of time?
the happiness? the glory? the pride? the vengeance? the hatred? the bigotry? what?!?
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