
Mooghamarat ZOozoO al zaghtOora fi brownbag.ae

is ola chica's birthday today.
ZOozoO al zaghtOora came up with the artful idea of sending her buddy ola chica a gift to work. ZOozoO being in beirut, and chica in dubai; the best option was finding an online delivery service. And so started ZOozoO al zaghtOora's adventure on the net surfing for a service.
While googling and searching, ZOozoO al zaghtOora fell on brownbag.ae. brownbag had dvds for sale and for rent and food and smokes and books and batteries and stuff. ZOozoO al zaghtOora noticed the choices were pretty slim, but it sure was better than no gift at all.
ZOozoO al zaghtOora came up with yet another brilliant genial idea of creating a dvd goody bag. so ZOozoO al zaghtOora chose the movie and the junk that righfully should accompany any worthy dvd night.
ZOozoO al zaghtOora was happy. she checked out, reviewed the cart and order, placed her email address alongside to the address of delivery that took 1hr and a half to fully complete and here i take a moment to thank all those who helped in filling the information: the ever resourceful T and rania (i think), the freshly dropped in town almighty Hos and of course the opportunist Coocs who tried to hijack my gift and tried squeezing herself into it, as usual (can u hear me coocoo??)... chose the time slot within which the order should be delivered and proudly clicked on ‘confirm order’.
Thank you for using brownbag. Your order shall be delivered shortly.
It is then that ZOozoO al zaghtOora realized she hadn't got a chance to enter her credit card information, and hence had not paid for the order.
And so ashamed ZOozoO al zaghtOora called ola chica to inform her that a surprise package would be delivered to her today, but that she would have to pay for it herself.

and now chica waits impatiently for the delivery.
? says: (3:33:14 PM)
i'm witin for da dilivery impatiently- mitl l wled l zghar 
She impatiently waits to pay for her birthday gift.

—the end—


Anonymous said...

good khabaryeh sis! happy bday ola chica!!!! big kisses from mou

Rasha said...

Happy b-day Ola Chica! xx

Josette ZOoz Khalil said...

rasha! am so happy to hear from u babes!

Anonymous said...


perfect scenario.. im sure the laugh alone was a great bday gift!