
Check out this website that shows the work of a graffiti artist—genius


Wishful thinking…

Another good marketing strategy

U are all invited to mess around with my logo.
I will create sth with all of your contributions in the end. So please download it, fuck it up, or make it better, or i dunno... be creative, and send your contribution to josettekhalil@gmail.com or try posting it as a comment (if it works).

w thx a zoozillion.
(and please do invite other people to mess with the ZOoz, or to the blog, the more the zoozer)


Good marketing strategies


See, i never wanted to have a blog. it only happened when areej did his, and i found myself filling forms, for i dunno what. until i got a window where it asked me to name my blog. And taraaaa!!!
I dunno what to do on it.
Am getting some ideas. but am at work, w meen ilo jledeh.
We all agreed sister of work and his hour.