
in the bus, on my way to hamra.

we always nag about the fact that we live in a highly consumerist capitalist culture, we moan about the bourgeois, the rich, the unsympathetic elite, the conceited, the vain and the narcissistic egocentric asses... and i realised that if they did not exist what would we do? how would i entertain myself? where would i spend all my energy?
enno, yeah, we do sometimes have things to say about shampoo, car, clothes, ... but we often have more interesting passionate things to say about the bourgeois, the rich, the unsympathetic elite, the conceited, the vain and the narcissistic egocentric asses. we hate them better than we hate shampoo, cars, and clothes. had we been in a world exactly as we wished it would be, we wouldn't have anything i3tiradi to say; no objections, no defiance, no resistance... we would be either contributing to the hegemonic ruling system or drowning in speechlessness for lack of reasons to rebel against any outrageously selfish behaviour.
i guess tonight, before i sleep, i will thank the almighty for the bourgeois, the rich, the unsympathetic elite, the conceited, the vain and the narcissistic egocentric asses; and hey, while i'm at it, why not the michel aouns of the world... or i may be pushing it there... because after all, i love having things to bitch about more than anything else in the whole wide world.


Anonymous said...

bravo!bravo! (applause)

Unknown said...

".. nag.. moan.. do.. hate.. thank.. bitch.."

zooz! i was there all along.. clapping my hands and laughing my lungs out!

i would like to "declare" the fact that am a happy and proud member of the ZOoz foundation since october 2000 (baptized "jacqueline" foundation at the time)


Josette ZOoz Khalil said...


Anonymous said...

actually.... i find myself moaning more about the middle classes who are so conceited! about the neo-left who are completley hypocritical and who are left only because they have personal psychological problems!
they are just another 'elite', perhaps coated with self-styled 'intellectalism' and love of art and that crap!