
And so now we moved to ain saade. at least i get to see the action.
am happy, i have relocate the ZOoz activities to here, with full power on. i will be able to work at least, keep the engines running.
I think i am accustomed to the idea of being at war. after a week of conscious self-control, i have hit a 2-day streak of i-can't-believe-this-is-what-it's-come-to; and now i am ok with it. not the war, but the war adapting mode.
i feel ma ileh 3azeh.
i feel like breaking into a hysterical laugh. Yesterday i finally had a ride in beirut. Alf and i drove through beirut, had breakfast in Ristretto and then we worked a bit. And i saw T, and then we went to check on the Muwatinoon and the Samidoon in Sanayeh. Waow. i can't believe i missed all this action—and am still missing it right this instant. I master the art of being insignificant and completely useless.
the self-pity session is officially over.
Zeina sent me a link to a blog she contributes to. in it there's a day-to-day recap and a mapping of the israeli attack. i was so happy to see that map. it's unbelievable to see all that violence as circles on a map. in my boring faraya days, i had dreamt of a mapping for the war. am happy i saw my dream come to life, although not by me—story of my life.
yesterday, on my road down from faraya, i was shocked by the dust/pollution over beirut. it had hit me before that the amount of pollution would've risen considering the showers we've been getting from the israelis; but the sight is something else. el 7akeh mish mitl al shawfeh.

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