
rally or riot?

the view of beirut from here is getting drowned in the white fog again. gettin bleached again.
is it beirut letting us know of what she feels? the pain? the hurt?
the people rallied in down town around the escwa building, and of course as expected, the rally turned into a riot. people throwing stones at the building, trying to break the windows, forcing the doors. people are going crazy. u can see some people in the crowd trying to stop the frenzy, pulling back the people with the stones, standing between the rioter and the building.
it is sad.
and now Rice declared it was time for an immediate cease-fire. it is time, she says. she waited for another massacre to happen. la classe.
there's a cnn anchor that blew my mind today. i decided am gonna love him. he pressured and cornered an israeli high-placed military man. fasshalleh khel2eh akhoo el dyeneh. it was beautiful; for once somebody making sense, somebody who knows how to argument, counter-argument and prove a point by (mis)leading the israelis into an answer that contradicts what they say. he made him/them naked in front of the world (or at least the audience).
and now they are naked self-righteous bastards.

i am chatting with ola chica on msn. and she is saying she can't take it anymore, that she wants everything the way it was again.

but will it ever be the same again?
those days are gone forever. how can we go back? and go back to what?
they broke our souls, they took our lives and hijacked our futures.

will anyone ever learn to forgive so we can turn the page after all this shit stops?
i doubt it. people hold grudges. people never forget.

all i/we ever wanted was peace. can't they just forgive and forget. can't they just exchange the prisonners and give us back Chebaa Farms and fuck off?

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