
Beirut on August 2, 2006

First picture of beirut in August.

we heard today israelis warned people that they will hit beirut "bil 3imi2". i thought i'll take a picture of a before... i hope the after is exactly the same.
stop destroying us and our cities and our beirut.
they're going to burn and destroy my baalbeck.
enough. 7ello 3anna. ikhtkonn 3a ikht el bazarkon.
ijreh fiyon.

am finding it hard to write or think of anything comprehensive or senseful. am angry, pissed and frustrated.

i read other blogs. read of what people are doing, feeling, sensing.
(...) lost my train of thought...
oh yeah... try to relate, i sometimes do, but i often don't.
i feel alone, lonely and lonesome.
i don't have a point to make. and i won't make any.

the baalbeck raid thing has left me baffled and floored.
they can do anything. anything.

i want this to end. i want to reconstruct. redo. reengage. restart. rebuild. rewalk. redrink. reeat. re-evth.
(which reminds me, go to www.re-lebanon.org)
how subtle, zoozoo...

i think am gonna go eat. maybe food will bring some order to my thoughts... should eat fast though, never know when the power will be back... gotta make the best use out of it... work a bit... surf a bit...


Anonymous said...

"..i want to reconstruct. redo. reengage. restart. rebuild. rewalk. redrink. reeat. re-evth."

re-turn the 2 israeli soldiers to their country.

until then you can only re-member.

talk to your buddy hassan.

Josette ZOoz Khalil said...

hahahaha. bored, bala za3raneh, mama. let's keep it clean.