
Beirut on September 30, 2006

Today rudz left for bahrain.
i'm gonna miss that obnoxious loveable brother of mine. but he'll visit soon, and i will try to visit him too. but i still hate it. who's gonna feed me his toes every now and then? who? maybe i can pay someone... haha...
yalla, mitl ma wade3it le2eh ya rabb.
w la3allahoo khayrann.
w allah ywaf2o.
w hoowwa el adar.
shoo fina na3mil.
ba7oobbak radroud. bit7ibbini aah?

the screening went very well. our animation was well received. i'll youtube it soon and post the link. it felt good, instant gratification. it made this horrendous week more bearable. i've been swimming or should i say drowning in a badly remunerated and super rushed job. story of my life. i sometimes wonder if i'm made for design services; i should go ifta7 a dekkaneh and live more peacefully. clients are unbearable, no matter how sweet, funny and understanding; a designer cannot but end up hating his client. or maybe that's just me. i think it's a psychological block i have; i cannot be told what to do. ever since i was a kid. maybe that's why it's a bad career choice; i'm not psychologically predisposed to slave for other people. but that leaves me with very few career options... plus to add to the refusal of slaving i have an unconscious need to be liked; or at least to please people around me. i don't mind being hated, but when i do my job i keep worrying how the work reflects on me, not personnally, but the designer.
i have very deep issues that need professional help.

akh ya rud...
ntebih 3a 7alak khayyo. show them what u r made of.
missage and loveage.


Oji said...

clients suck...so does automated 'user' bethmartin5589871430

Anonymous said...

ayri fi, what a dick.

zooz. call me. i'm always bored

hos i miss you man

Rasha said...

ZOoz, where are you???!!!!
Yalla, I need my dose ba2a...