
Death of Gardenia

Gardenia is dying.

see the proof for urselves.

who would believe this is how Gardenia looked not so long ago.

am so sad. is so dead. that first pic was taken after i shedded all its leaves. they were all brown and dead.
gardenia is dying.
i cut all the little branches, and they were all dry. no green stuff inside. i kept cutting shorter and shorter until i saw green. it was a little. not much.
israelis killed gardenia.

today was also sad. i spent some time in the studio. after the desolating gardenia incident, i decided to go to the fridge, see what's inside. i was hoping for some cold beverage. no beer, but one crush. i took the crush and decided to go out on my big balcony and let myself swing on our hammock we all love that hammock, bello put it up for us. he's a sweetheart bello. ‘u're a doll, bello!’ it is then that i noticed the most horrendous heartbreaking truth of the day: Rami, the dekkanjeh, had left. his dekkane was empty. there was nothing in it, not a teeny tiny thing, not a left over chips bag, not a piece of paper laying around, not an empty bottle of water. nothing. clean as clean can be. well there was a bit of dust on the glass, but clean. it made me sad. rami was gone. of course i wondered who'll pay our bills when we're not home, but that aint it. he's gone. the situation was so bad for him that he had to close down his shop. he seemed as a darwish 2edameh guy, we all loved him. what was he doing now. i hope he's doing fine.
goddamn that war.

to the last shitty news of the day. my lil' cousin's back in the hospital. again. he's got some weird rash on his face and his face is all swollen up because of his tooth's infection.
poor burreem, goddamn u god. yes u damn urself, god. u do that.

u know what if god really exists, i think god is a hater. he just hates. there's no love. there's only hate.


m said...

oh no.
i loved this green creature on the balcony. it was always there when i smoked outside. now i dont smoke anymore does not mean that gardenia has to give up on her.
dont u give up on her. put her in the bathtub. water her. talk to her. if necessary give her some doping. something.....man....who is gonna keep me company not smoking on the balcony when i am back?...well i guess: it has to be u then....

Josette ZOoz Khalil said...


Anonymous said...

"u know what if god really exists, i think god is a hater. he just hates. there's no love. there's only hate." - ZOoz

a small remark on the quote above:
what God is to blame for? we're all responsible of our acts, we choose what we want to be:
1- if you had watered your Gardenia it would have survived.
2- if Rami (el dekanjé) did choose to go, the store wouldn't have got empty - God didn't evict him!
3- For Burreem, we have to admit that sometimes he ignores his health when it comes to eating outside.

so where's God in all of this?

a great person once said: "there's no hope without despair" - so keep hopping little one

nbr5 said...

rudz spilled some fine piece of wisdom there.
(no sarcasm involved).

Anonymous said...

Despite the wisdom of rudz, one still has to admit that the Holly Comics Character known as God and appearing in several best sellers of the fourth geological era, books such as The Old (and antiquated) Testament, the Bible, the Coran and other such texts that everyone knows about, the "hero" of these books, this character known as God, is really a hateful person.

By the way, Gardenias die because they are very demanding. Plastic / artificial plants are more reliable.

Anonymous said...

or may be because it's just winter. will flourish back in spring.
there is lot after all.

Anonymous said...

I meant, there is love after all.

m said...

what a whole lot of love then.
gardenias will blossom again.
god might be a mean bitch sometimes but he is not to blame. god does not like gardenias anyways. god does not care. he has bigger plants up in paradise.
but i like ur gardenia!!!

Anonymous said...

always the greener side. always.

Anonymous said...

God has big plastic plants...